Thursday, September 21, 2006

More Pet Gift Ideas

Sorry, I just can't help it. They have got some of the cutest gift ideas for pets.

Take a look at this, Claudia's Canine Cuisine Cookie Tubs .

I got some of these for Emma a couple of weeks ago and I keep them on the kitchen counter. Knowing people are always coming in and out of my house I put a note on the cookies saying they are Emma's cookies not people cookies. I am telling you that is how real they look and smell. I could just see one of my husbands or sons friends looking for munchies and chowing down on Emma's cookies.

June sent me an email the other day asking if Emma had one of these...Pet Tent. Since I don't "do the woods", neither does my baby, so no, she doesn't have one. Although she might like the tent to hide when all those loud boys come over to watch football. Hmmmm, I'll just add this to my bookmarks for Emma gift ideas.

Click here for some more pet gift ideas.


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