Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Today is National Video Games Day

So for all you gamers out there, here's a day just for you.

Like you really need a day to recognize video games. Isn't that what gamers eat and breathe? Their video games? I bet many sleep with them too. Or should I say, stay up all night with?

My sincerest condolences go out to those of you who live with a gamer. You see, I used to live with one, my son. I know what it's like to wake up in the middle of the night startled by weird noises and voices and come to find out it someone playing a video game at 3 in the morning.

Ok and now they say that all that game playing helps them in other ways. Well that's just fine and dandy but it shortened my life by a few years for lack of sleep and fighting to get him off those games.


(No, I don't have issues.)

Anyway, here's some video games stuff and Happy Video Games Day!


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