Wednesday, September 13, 2006

There's Only 101 Shopping Days to Christmas

So your thinking "101 days, I've got plenty of time". But what happens every year? You get busy with other things, there's Halloween, Thanksgiving, there's lots of socializing to do with all the parties and get togethers, you have guest coming in from out of town. Before you know it December 1st will be here and then you will only have 24 shopping days.

Do yourself a favor, start planning now. Remember last month I told you about Saved Gifts, have you tried it yet? It's a tool that can help you have an even more enjoyable holiday season this year.

Just a side note, today is Positive Thinking Day. Your attitude can mean the difference between success and failure. If you have a negative attitude about holiday gift shopping, come to us and you'll get an attitude adjustment. We make gift giving easy for pretty much anyone.


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