Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Question:What Time Is It?

The answer: Who the heck knows!

Evan knows!

Evan knows because he has a couple of these funky clocks in his office. Everytime I'm in there and I look up to see what time it is I have to think about it. (No comments from the peanut gallery.) Reading a clock is not something a person should have to think to hard about, you just know, EXCEPT when your in Evan's office.

What time is it? It's just that simple but no...they had to come up with these to aggrevate people like me.

Here's a couple of other clocks that don't tell you the time of day, but tell you it's time to do something else.

No Drinking 'Til 5 Clock

No Sex 'Til 6 Clock

Thanks to Linda for the idea for this blog!

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