Friday, December 22, 2006

Chirstmas is Monday

And if you haven't finished your shopping then boy do I feel sorry for you.

I had to go to the grocery store last night to get stuff for Christmas dinner and this is what I encountered.

First I had to park in east bumble and it was raining. Then I was taking my life in my hands walking the 2 miles to the store, trying to watch all the drivers looking for parking spaces instead of watching the people walking from their cars. You could get killed out there.

So I finally get in the store and there are no carts. Just lovely since I probably passed 100 on my way in. Should have grab one then but like I said it was raining. Oh well, I figure that I don't have to get to much, I can handle it.

I go just to the rows for the stuff that I need and yes, for all the cars in the parking lot there are 2 people in the store.

I start filling my arms trying desperately to hurry and get the heck out of there and of course they are out of something that I need. Just try finding someone to help you. I think they are all in the back watching us crazy people over the monitors. Laughing and getting a kick out of the madness.

So I just say forget it and start to head for the checkout. Oh my gosh! There are probably a million people in the 6 lines that they have open (they have 15). I take a deep breathe and stand in line. I am standing kind of in the way of the flow of traffic so I leave a little space for people to get through. Apparently that is not enough because a little kid driving a buggy runs into me. (he couldn't see over the handle). I drop 2 things from my arms. One was a can of pineapple, the other a small thing of flour. Pineapple fine, flour not so good. Flour on me and all over the floor. (They really should seal those things up better).

The mother of the boy leaned down to him and whispered, "Allen, tell the nice lady your sorry." The boy looked at me and said I'm sorry and they went on. I gave up, put the rest of the stuff on the floor in the pile of flour and left. I will go again but this time I will go at 2 in the morning when hopefully most everyone else is sleeping.

So if you have to go to the mall or out shopping any where in the next couple of days make sure you take your patience and lots of it! Your really going to need it because I'm sure it's twice as bad as the grocery store was.

Next year shop online and avoid all this frustration.

Merry Christmas!

**This is a true story. Names have been changed to protect the not so innocent.