Friday, March 02, 2007

Dentist's Day is March 6

Going to the Dentist is not one of those things you want to do, it's one of those things you have to do. Some people even have a phobia about going to the dentist. Believe it or not there are support groups that help people through their fear of dentists.

Poor dentists! It seems they are one of the most feared people on earth.

On Dentist's Day, let your dentist know that it really isn't personal. Here's some gift ideas.
  1. Pearly Whites Dentist Cookie Gram
  2. Chocolate Tooth Lollipop
  3. Dentist Key Ring
  4. Dentist Mug and Coaster Gift Set
  5. Toothbrush Pin

And just on a side note. I read on one of the Dentist Phobia Support Group sites that there is a higher percentage of women who are afraid of the dentist than men. However, it also stated that men probably wouldn't tell the truth about this either.

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