Friday, February 02, 2007

Valentine's Day Gift Ideas for Him and Her

April saw these t-shirts and things from Planet Mom and thought they were cute and funny! I thought they were great and I really liked what they said on their home page...

"...apparel with a sexy fit and irreverent wit"
I Love it!
For years, women have been treated as chattel. Now, it's their turn! Let your man know that he belongs to you, and he'll love you all the more for it.
When women hear "date night" they envision a romantic meal with stimulating conversation topped off with a nice outfit. Not so for men. So we compromise. Buy this & make sure you're treated to a wonderful meal beforehand!
Nowadays, having a long-lasting love affair/marriage is truly a badge of honor. Wear it proudly!
We're all busy setting up playdates for our kids so they'll learn to socialize appropriately, make friends and be happy. Moms are the ones who need a playdate!
Check out all of Planet Mom's gift ideas.