Happy Thanksgiving
On Thanksgiving we spend time with family and friends, look back on the events of the past year and are thankful for what we have. There will be lots of good food and fun and football.
First, I want to tell you one thing...
I'm thankful that your reading my blog!
First, I want to tell you one thing...
I'm thankful that your reading my blog!
Second, FOOD! You know me and food. I think about this every year but, isn't it funny that no one can make Thanksgiving dinner like your mom? At least that's the way I feel about my mom's Thanksgiving dinner. You grow up eating your mom's food and nobody can seem to do it quite like she does.
I'm going to be cooking Thanksgiving dinner this year. This should be interesting seeing as I have never cooked the entire meal on my own. Of course, my mom never had recipes she could pass down. It was always done by some of this, a pinch of that and that looks right. Big help! So wish me luck that my dinner turns out edible and that we don't end up at Denny's.

(this is what I hope my Turkey looks like)
Happy Thanksgiving!
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