Thursday, August 24, 2006

Halloween Gift Idea for the Brave

The Tower of Terror Candy Assortment would have to be a gift for a brave soul and someone who likes to try new and different things. The tower is full of candy and sweet treats, but it's candy and sweet treats with a bit of a twist.

There's real flavored crickets, real seasoned larvets, and amber instectnside (a real scorpion inside). YUUUMMEEE! Then of course there is the normal stuff like, bug rope, Fear Factor bug sucker, Fear Factor gross out gummy pizza, and tangy tongue. And these are my favorites, stinky feet, pop rocks xtreme, and wax fangs.

Doesn't it all sound so good?

Okay, so I'm being sarcastic but I am sure that some little kids would think this stuff is totally cool! It would probably be a huge hit at a kids Halloween party.

Beth found this one, thanks!


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