Friday, August 04, 2006

Fun Office Gift Ideas

Sometimes you just have to add a little humor to your work day. Giving one of these gifts to a coworker will certainly bring out the lighter side of office work.

  • Sarcastic Ball - This has got some great come backs like "As if", "Dumb question ask another", "You Wish", and "You've got to be kidding". Perfect for those annoying coworkers, let them ask you the question then just hand them the ball and it will say what needs to be said.
  • Magnetic Art Teamwork - If you just need to take a little break from your hectic day, playing with this gives your brain a rest.
  • Voodoo Doll - this says it all. A must have for anyone who works in an office.
  • Dial-An-Excuse Wheel - There comes a time in everyone's life when you need a good excuse for something. Well this little diddy will give you excuses ranging from classic to sob story and for 36 different excuse needing situations.
  • Tinker Toys for the Office - Remember these? What a great way to help you clear your head!

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