We Do Love Amphibians...
And reptiles too! HerpArts.com is an entire website devoted to everything amphibian and reptile and you can find their great gift ideas on FindGift.com.
They have things like:
-Confessions of a Turtle Wife
-Golden Frog Trinket Box (he has all 4 legs)
-Bone and Gemstone Sea Turtle Earrings
Do you know what a lover of amphibians and reptiles is called?
A Herper.
Cowabunga Dude!
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FindGift Gift Ideas Creative Gifts Gift Giving Amphibians frogs turtles reptiles
They have things like:
-Confessions of a Turtle Wife
-Golden Frog Trinket Box (he has all 4 legs)
-Bone and Gemstone Sea Turtle Earrings
Do you know what a lover of amphibians and reptiles is called?
A Herper.
Cowabunga Dude!
Technorati tags:
FindGift Gift Ideas Creative Gifts Gift Giving Amphibians frogs turtles reptiles
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