Monday, March 06, 2006

Angry Little Girls Line Addresses Irritating People

Irritating people, now that is something I think everyone can identify with.

In our office their names are Evan and B0b. The other day they were irritating me so I threw a roll of toilet paper at them. (Don't ask what I was doing with a roll of toilet paper in my hand.) Anyway, I went back to work and what was the next item that I reviewed?

The Angry Little Girls Large Tote and the description was, "Tote your anger around with you where ever you go. Perfect for carrying around items to throw at irritating people." It was just too funny!

I just had to email them and let them know about this.

Evan replied, "Carry around all the toilet paper you want. Who will look sillier, us being pelted by soft objects or you throwing them?"

Bob said, "That's too funny. We could call you the bag lady..."

Evan and Bob... Just you wait!

-- Tina (Angry Little Girl)